Amber Rose SlutWalk LA, 2015
Amber Rose has created a movement that many may not approve of but even more people are inspired by. The Slut Walk has been a movement from Chicago to DC and now Ms. Muva has brought to our very own city here in Los Angeles.
Check out the video (LINK BELOW) while MariahDeeTV attended her Slut Walk Press Conference to interview Amber and ask her what her the meaning behind her Slut Walk and also the inspiration behind. She also shared her past experiences and one of the biggest lessons she learned so far.
Nevertheless, while bullying is currently huge in the school systems, Amber expresses her feelings about giving adults advice in these situations and also touches a soft spot on feminism and women in color.
Reporter- @MariahDarsha
Amber Rose - @AmberRose
Videographer & Photographer- @HonaConstello1
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